The HIIT’N 50 Podcast

HIIT’N50 is a podcast focusing on health and wellness and provides useful tips and tricks for starting and maintaining a consistent fitness regimen plus interviews with experts on the benefits of exercise, healthy eating and tips and tricks for staying motivated. While the podcast focuses on the community of people over the age of 50, there is something for everyone who is interested in developing a healthy lifestyle that will serve you for the rest of your life.

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6 days ago

In this episode of the HIIT'N50 podcast, host Chris Cotnoir explores the topic of metabolic health. He begins by explaining the concept of metabolism and its importance for overall health and well-being. He discusses the key indicators of good metabolic health and the alarming statistics that show only a small percentage of Americans are achieving optimal metabolic health. Chris then interviews Marissa Rothkoff, host of the Secret Life of Cookies podcast, who shares her recipe for a nutritious cake that can be eaten for breakfast. Next, Linda Magid, a certified Pilates instructor, discusses the benefits of HIIT workouts for metabolic health. Finally, Chris joins personal trainer Christine Boyers-Azaro in the gym to demonstrate exercises using the TRX suspension trainer.
metabolic health, metabolism, indicators, recipe, cake for breakfast, HIIT workouts, TRX suspension trainer
Key Takeaways
Metabolic health is crucial for overall well-being and disease prevention.
Only a small percentage of Americans are achieving optimal metabolic health.
HIIT workouts are effective for improving metabolic health and can be done with the TRX suspension trainer.
Sound Bites
"HIIT workouts can increase your maximum rate of oxygen consumption."
"The TRX is a versatile tool for total body workouts."
Links and Sources
HIIT'N 50 Substack Newsletter:
HIITN'50 YouTube Channel:
Secret Life of Cookies Podcast:
Secret Life of Cookies Substack Newsletter:
TRX Suspension Trainers:
Linda Magid YouTube Channel:
Research in Context: Obesity and metabolic health
Journal on Metabolic Health
New Fitbit study explores metabolic health
Only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, Carolina study finds
Metabolic health: a priority for the post-pandemic era

Monday May 06, 2024

This episode of the HIIT'N50 podcast focuses on the most cited reason for not exercising: lack of time. Chris emphasizes the importance of making exercise a priority and offers strategies for overcoming time constraints. Two guests, Linda Magid and Christine Boyer-Zazzaro, provide simple at-home workout routines that can be done without equipment. The episode highlights the flexibility of exercise and encourages listeners to break up their workouts into shorter segments throughout the day.
exercise, time management, at-home workouts, prioritization, fitness
Time is the most cited reason for not exercising, but it can be overcome by making exercise a priority.
Breaking up workouts into shorter segments throughout the day can be just as effective as longer sessions.
At-home workouts can be done without equipment and still provide strength and cardio benefits.
Planning and scheduling exercise in advance helps ensure it becomes a regular part of your routine.
Sound Bites
"You don't have to work out for 30 minutes a day. Yes, the CDC is recommending 150 minutes, but it does not have to be all at once."
"You have to schedule this. You have to define why you're doing what you're doing. And you have to make it a priority."
Episode Links
Visit the HIIT'N50 YouTube Channel for episodes, video highlights and instructional videos and be sure to check out the new segment, "In the Gym with Christine" while you're there.
Linda Magid Abs Workout
Lind Magid Glutes
Lind Magid Lower Body
Linda's Cardio and Strength Workouts
Cardio 5-10 minutes
2 minute warm up - job in place, jumping jacks
3-7 minutes - Stairs with pushups.
Run up the stairs, 10 pushups
Run down the stairs, then back up again, 10 pushups
Repeat until time is up.
Modify as needed
Cardio 5-10 minutes
2 minute warm up
10 quick squats (1 per second)
Reach down the floor and crawl out into a plank. Do a push up. Crawl back to standing.
Repeat 8 times
If you have time left, perform high knees until time is up.
Strength with weights 5-10 minutes
2 minute warm up
10 push ups
10 squats with weights
10 lunges on the right with weights
10 lunges on the left with weights
10 supermans (laying on the belly, lift arms and legs off the floor, then return to start)
Repeat until time is up
Strength without weights 5-10 minutes
30 seconds Bear crawls forward and backward (get on hands and feet, crawl forward as far as you can in your space and then crawl backwards)
30 seconds Toe Taps (Laying on your back, bring knees over hips. Tap one set of toes to the floor and bring the leg back to the the beginning. Do the other side. You can bring both feet down at the same time if you want it harder)
30 seconds plank
30 seconds push ups

Monday Apr 29, 2024

This episode focuses on adapting fitness routines to fit changing bodies and lifestyles. Chris discusses the concept of functional fitness, low-impact exercises, and the importance of strength training. The first guest, Christine Boyer-Zazzaro, shares her personal exercise modifications and how she encourages clients to get into the gym. The second guest, Rebecca Dickinson, discusses the impact of alcohol consumption on the gut microbiome. The final guest, Linda Magid, talks about the importance of warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching in workouts.
Episode Keywordsfitness routines, adapting, functional fitness, low-impact exercises, strength training, exercise modifications, alcohol consumption, gut microbiome, warm-ups, cool-downs, stretching
Key Takeaways
Adapting fitness routines to fit changing bodies and lifestyles is important as we age.
Functional fitness focuses on training the body to handle everyday activities with balance, flexibility, and endurance.
Low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, and yoga can provide health benefits without harsh impact on joints.
Strength training is important for preserving muscle strength, supporting bone health, and boosting metabolism.
Alcohol consumption, even in moderate levels, can impact the gut microbiome and overall health.
Warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching are essential for preparing the body, avoiding injury, and maintaining flexibility.
Sound Bites
"It's about training our bodies to handle everyday activities with balance, flexibility, and endurance."
"Incorporate days where you go hard and days where you keep it light. Listen to your body, it's the best coach you'll ever have."
"Every step you take, no matter how small, is a victory. Remember, aging isn't about slowing down, it's about moving wisely."
Linda Magid Taylor Swift Workout:
HIIT'N50 YouTube Channel:
NY Times: How Does Alcohol Affect the Gut Microbiome?
HIIT'N50 Substack:

Monday Apr 22, 2024

This episode of the HIIT'N50 focuses on mental well-being and its importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Host Chris Cotnoir is joined by four guests in this episode. Dr. Kavita Patel discusses the definition and measurement of mental well-being, while Rebecca Dickinson talks about the impact of nutrition on mental health. Christine Boyer-Zazzaro explores the pros and cons of fitness trackers in relation to mental health. Finally, Keith Bracci shares his own health journey and emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to mental and physical well-being.
Links from the episode:
Yuka App:
Note that this app is addictive!
Important Takeaways
Mental well-being is an important pillar of a healthy lifestyle, but it can be difficult to measure and address.
Maintaining mental well-being involves addressing factors such as social isolation, pleasure, and sleep.
Fitness trackers can be useful for motivation and monitoring heart health, but they can also cause anxiety and obsession.
A holistic approach to health, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mental well-being, is key to maintaining overall well-being.
Meditation and self-reflection can help uncover underlying beliefs and patterns that affect mental health.
Seeking professional help and building a support network can be beneficial in addressing mental health challenges.
Key Sound Bites
"Mental well-being is difficult to measure and address."
"Setting goals and intentions can contribute to mental well-being."
"The gut microbiome affects the production of neurotransmitters that impact mental well-being."
You can also subscribe to my Substack Newsletter at

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Episode 4 of the HIITN’50 Podcast explores the power of motivation, setting goals and sticking to your fitness routine. Additionally, registered nurse and holistic health coach Rebecca Dickinson, and fitness enthusiast Paul Gottsegen, analyze items from Chris’s pantry to decide if they should be kept or discarded based on their ingredients and health impacts. This playful yet informative session highlights the hidden dangers and benefits of common pantry items, with a strong focus on organic and additive-free choices.
Linda Magid joins the show to discuss motivational tactics that she uses in her classes and also shares her own personal motivation for fitness. And finally, Christine Boyer-Zazzaro joins us to share the success stories of various clients after embracing fitness.
Recipes, Links and References From Today’s Show
Homemade Granola:
RX Protein Bars:
Linda Magid: Pilates for Real Bodies

Monday Apr 08, 2024

This episode of the HIIT’N 50 Podcast focuses on the importance of strength training, stability, and nutrition for older adults with a particular emphasis on the benefits of regular exercise, including increasing muscle mass and strength, improving balance and joint health, and enhancing overall well-being. The first guest, Christine Boyers-Zazzaro, discusses the importance of strength training and provides tips on how to get started. The second guest, Linda Magid, talks about the role of balance and stability in avoiding falls and injuries as we age. The final guest, Rebecca Dickinson, shares her views on sports drinks and post-workout nutrition.
Regular exercise, including strength training, is crucial for maintaining muscle mass and strength as we age.
Strength training has numerous benefits for older adults, including improved balance, joint health, and overall well-being.
Getting started with strength training can be intimidating, but there are various resources available, such as gym trainers, online tutorials, and home gym setups.
Balance exercises are essential for preventing falls and maintaining stability.
Sports drinks are not necessary for most individuals, and water is the best choice for hydration.
Post-workout nutrition should focus on protein, fiber, and healthy fats to replenish energy stores.
Links to Recipes 
Energy Balls:
Homemade Hummus:
Homemade Electrolyte Drink:

Who Needs Sleep? We All Do!

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Episode 2 of the HIIT'N 50 podcast is jam packed. I tackle sleep and why it's just as important as regular exercise and health nutrition.
My guests this week include Rebecca Dickinson who discusses what should and should not be in your pantry, Christine Boyer-Zazzaro who discusses fitness routines for golfers and tennis players and Linda Magid who talks about all things Pilates.
Links Referenced in this episode:
Matthew Walker Clips
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Assessment,%20pittsburgh%20psqi.pdf
Linda Magid You Tube Channel

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Welcome to the first episode of the HIIT’N50 podcast. On this episode, I talk about MIME (Motivation, Intent, Mindset and Execution), the importance of exercise with Dr. Kavita Patel, gut health and why it’s so important with Rebecca Dickinson (including eating 30 plants per week!) and finally, we discuss a personal trainer’s approach to bringing exercise to her clients with Christine Boyer-Zazzaro. If you would like to follow me, you can do so on X (@ccotnoir), subscribe to my sub stack at and you can also follow me on LinkedIn.
If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review and subscribe. New episodes will appear each week on Mondays.

Monday Mar 11, 2024

As the pandemic took hold of our country in the Spring of 2020, we were all forced into working, schooling and exercising from home. I started a Substack Newsletter called HIITN’50 because I wanted to give something back in terms of what I’ve learned and gained from having a regular fitness routine in my life during that difficult period.


The HIITN50 Podcast

As the pandemic took hold of our country in the Spring of 2020, we were all forced into working, schooling and exercising from home. I started a Substack Newsletter called HIITN’50 about a year after that because I wanted to give something back in terms of what I’ve learned and gained from having a regular fitness routine in my life during that difficult period. The newsletter is geared toward the over 50 community because fitness plays such a huge role in our health, especially as we age. I always envisioned launching it as a podcast and my plan is to bring you the highlights of my newsletter each week, along with news and tips that I find interesting and perhaps most importantly, I want to bring in other perspectives from experts who can speak to nutrition, the importance of exercise as it relates to our physical and mental health as well as other insights into the world of fitness.


A brief word about myself. I run a small media company that, shocker, produces roughly 10 podcasts per week. I exercise roughly six times per week using a mix of cardio and strength training primarily through the Peloton platform. I spend the winter months primarily working out at home, but when the warmer weather hits, I tend to take my running and cycling workouts outside. Last summer, I was in a pretty serious cycling accident and broke my clavicle, scapula and 5 ribs, so I not only bring the perspective of somebody who works out regularly, but I also know what it’s like to not be able to workout and exercise and what it takes to come back from injury.


I’m looking forward to bringing you my insights each week. If you would like to learn more about the kinds of things that I cover, please visit my Substack  You can also follow me on X (formerly Twiiter at ccotnoir and if you’re interested in my professional background, you can check me out at Linkedin.

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